Physical access, interpretation and other special requirements

Edinburgh Printmakers is wheelchair accessible and has disabled toilets throughout the building. There is a lift for public use which is accessible in front of the main entrance.

If you require help with physical access, interpretation, or if you have any other special requirements, please contact us in advance of your visit on 0131 557 2479 or via


We also have sensory maps available at the entrance for those who need them and a digital version downloadable here.



WelcoMe by Neatebox
The free WelcoMe app allows you to request visits to participating venues (including Edinburgh Printmakers), indicating the areas you need customer service to have awareness of and the specific assistance you require. We are notified of your visit request and receive an overview of your condition and top tips to aid our interaction with you. 

WelcoMe App


Access to the studio

We can provide additional support for courses, workshops, visits, and day to day studio access. Please get in touch with to see how we can support your specific needs. 


Descriptive tours
We're happy to give free short descriptive tours of our gallery spaces for people with visual impairments. Please give us advance notice if you'd like a tour. Our exhibition interpretation leaflets are available in large font. Contact for more information.


Assistance dogs
Assistance dogs are welcome.


Cafe Experience
There is lift access to our cafe with table service available. No tables or chairs are permanently fixed, and menus are clearly written. 

On Tuesdays, the main entrance to Edinburgh Printmakers is closed, but the cafe is accessible via 2 Gilmore Park. Please ring the buzzer for access and support.