• Consignment for the Castle Mills Shop

    Consignment for the Castle Mills Shop

    One of the benefits of Edinburgh Printmakers Studio Membership is the opportunity to regularly consign prints for sale in the EP Shop and online. This includes having physical framed impressions on display in our street facing window and Rear Window Gallery, unframed impressions in the browsers, as well as digital representation on the EP online shop. 


    Members are informed in writing by email and through the Members Newsletter, of upcoming consignment opportunities. Appointments with Alice our Sales & Commercial Manager are open throughout the year and can be made by emailing info@edinburghprintmakers.co.uk


    Enquire for a Consignment Appointment


    Members are free to bring to the consignment appointment as many works as they wish, from which the EP Sales Team will select new stock. New consignments should be recent works made in the studio, and EP may release older work back before taking newer work on consignment.  Each member may have in consignment up to 10 works at any one time (not including any additional works submitted for a specific exhibition or event).


    This can be a mix of:


    • Up to 2 framed pieces (max size 90x 120cm – we have very little space availability for oversized frames, which will be accommodated on a first come first serve basis);
    • Up to 5 loose prints together with digital images to list in the online shop;
    • Up to 3 wrapped works for display in the EP shop (max size 80x60cm).


    Please note, this is a guideline only to set some upper limits due to storage availability, however, there is no minimum. 


    Edinburgh Printmakers commission for unframed consigned prints is 50% of the Retail Price, while for framed prints is 30%. Retail prices are set by the artists; however the EP Sales Team is available to advise based on market research and internal competition within the shop.


    Artists are responsible for any VAT payable on their proportion of the sale After the consignment appointment members should send by email their up to date bank details to the EP Finance Admin: financeadmin@edinburghprintmakers.co.uk


    It is the responsibility of each member to keep EP updated with current bank details or payment for sales of their work cannot be made. 

  • Condition of Work and Essential Labelling

    Condition of Work and Essential Labelling

    Prints consigned to Edinburgh Printmakers should be in excellent condition, printed straight with clean, well-proportioned borders and with clean backs. Bleed prints (prints without border) may also be consigned. We can only accept work that has been correctly labelled. All prints should be signed, with title and an impression number; this can be written on the front or reverse of the print according to the artist's preference.


    We ask that unframed works should also be unmounted, while prints destined for the shop browsers should be backed with stiff card, no less than double wall thickness, so not to bend if handled with one hand. Cellophane wrapping should be secured neatly on the reverse with tape and prints should be clearly labelled on the card backing so as to be identifiable without unwrapping the print. Please find here below a helpful guide for wrapping and backing your prints.


    Wrapping Prints For Display


    EP reserve the right to refuse work if it is poorly printed, framed or packaged.  

    For more details about the consignment process please refer to the Consignment Terms & Conditions which outline all the information and material to prepare in view of a consignment appointment. This is a binding contract which all members are required to sign.


    Consignment Terms & Conditions 


  • Art Fairs, Exhibitions and other events

    Art Fairs, Exhibitions and other events

    EP may invite members to submit work for exhibition at Art Fairs or for temporary displays off site. The selection process is entirely dependent upon the format and content of the specific exhibition/fair and relative to customer demand. Members must agree to leave prints on consignment for a minimum period of the length of the exhibition/fair. When the exhibition/fair ends, unsold works will be released to the artist or continue to be held on consignment, by discretion of Edinburgh Printmakers. 


    We currently have a satellite retail display at Dovecot Studios, where we regularly exhibit EP Editions and Studio Members prints selected in relation to Dovecot's exhibition programming. 


    Most recently we were delighted to take part in a month long exhibition at Gleneagles Townhouse celebrating our collection and connecting us to a new international audience.


    EP Studio members were encouraged to consign prints and other products (notebooks, hand made cards and zine) to offer the most diverse representation of printmaking and paper-based craft. 


    During the summer months of 2023, our Exhibition Coordinator and Sales & Archive Manager, organised a special display of EP members prints in the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, by the title Edition.


    We are always committed to finding more ways to showcase our community's work and reach wider audiences within the city and beyond to engage with printmaking in all its forms. 

  • Wholesale and Other Shop Stock

    Wholesale and Other Shop Stock

    The Edinburgh Printmakers Shop also stocks products by local creatives, to support independent craft making businesses. If you are an artist working in a different media and would like to be considered as a supplier please send an up to date product list  to Alice Griffith, Sales and Commercial Manager, on info@edinburghprintmakers.co.uk Please make sure to include Wholesale or Retail Prices and specify if you are open to submit stock on a sale or return basis with the same EP commission (50% of RRP) as for consigned prints.