Wiktor Zwolskyi

Fyns Grafiske Værksted / Funen Printmaking Studio, Odense, Denmark, 31 Oct 2022

Wiktor Zwolskyi is 72 years old and is originally from Ukraine. He and his wife Elena stayed in the guest house next to the studio in Odense (Denmark) while he was working at the studio with lithography.

Wiktor studied at Kharkiv Academy of Design and Fine Arts, working in the Graphics and Painting department.


During his stay at Funen Printmaking Studio Wiktor reinvented his approach to lithography. Working with the stone came back to him easily, and he enjoyed working in the Studio. He expressed his gratitude to the team in many ways, but since he only speaks Russian and Ukrainian, they had to speak in sign language. He was happy to get away from the war in Ukraine and has found that life is not always easy for an artist since moving to Poland. The time spent in printmaking made him feel appreciated again.


He was assisted by their master printmaker Wieslaw Dabrowski, who also helped with translation.



Wiktor Zwolskyi, Human Rider (2022)


'Human Rider' is an attempt to express his feelings about the war:

"With the help of the leaping rider character I tried to express my feelings during the bombardments in Kharkov. I attempted to imagine a human being who is making this, but I couldn't..  just something wild, something that has gone long ago."


Residency Dates: 30th September - 31st October

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