Edinburgh Printmakers re-opens to the public on 4 August

3 exciting new exhibitions now open

Entanglements of Time & Tidedeveloped in partnership with Marine Scotland and Ascus Art and Science is a research-based art-science engagement project by Sonia Mehra Chawla exploring the North Sea and its tidal zones in their ecological, cultural, political, economic, and poetic capacity.


Castle Mills Contemporary showcases work by some of the UK’s most vibrant contemporary artists. Highlights include three works for the digital engagement project Scottish School Prints by Hardeep Pandhal, Hanna Tuulikki and Mohammad Barrangi. The exhibition also includes recent Edinburgh Printmakers prize winners Wendy McMurdo, Jenny Pope, Maya Hollis, and Zuzana Ullmannová.


gobscure: writing liberté with lips is a presentation of prints, performance and participation by artist-in-residence gobscure (they/them.) Their artist residency at Edinburgh Printmakers is part of an ongoing and wide-ranging exploration of playful dissent and creative resistance, inspired by Parajanov. gobscure is a Future’s Venture Foundation Radical Independent Art Fund Artist.


We look forward to welcoming you to Edinburgh Printmakers!

26 Jul 2021
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