Rachel Duckhouse
Gates, 2018Rachel Duckhouse, Gates, 2018400.00
St Lawrence Flow II, 2016Rachel Duckhouse, St Lawrence Flow II, 2016Sold
Rachel Duckhouse is a Glasgow based visual artist working primarily in drawing. Through research based projects her work explores repeated rhythms, patterns, and structures found in different contexts, including landscape, architecture, the flow of water and biological systems. Rachel’s way of working begins with sketchbook drawings which sometimes culminate in process led experiments in the print workshop.
In 2019 Rachel was commissioned to design the Edinburgh Printmakers Entrance Gates at Castle Mills as well as produce an edition of 20 screenprints. The Entrance Gates are inspired and informed by research into the history of the North British Rubber Company (NBRC) factory site. Further information on this as well as other permanent commissions at Edinburgh Printmakers can be found here: https://edinburghprintmakers.co.uk/about/art-commissions/