Hideo Furuta
Axiom, 1989Hideo Furuta, Axiom, 1989170.00
Hideo Furuta was an artist and teacher born in Hiroshima, Japan, 1949. From 1969–71, Furuta attended Tokyo Visual Art College, for foundation and sculpture before coming to Britain in 1985. He worked primarily in sculpture but also across different mediums such as printmaking, drawing, photography, and video. Furuta would use vast outdoor spaces both as workshop and canvas.
Before relocating to Britain, Hideo Furuta worked as a stonemason. When he settled in Creetown, Galloway, the plethora of white granite in the quarries he lived beside gave him raw materials to create his huge but whisperingly delicate works. In 1989, Furuta became artist in residence at Edinburgh University which led to having constructions at Pollock Halls of Residence and an exhibition at the Talbot Rice Gallery, as well as in Gullane and Dumfries.
While in Edinburgh, Furuta studied contemporary music. This is where he began to explore the relationships between music, science, and visual art, and recorded of his own compositions of "sculptures to be listened to".
Collections holding his work include Margam Sculpture Park; Edinburgh Printmakers; Gallery Oriel 31; and Glynn Vivian Art Gallery and Museum.